Sunday, 30 September 2012

Singapore Zoo


We spent our first day in Singapore at the Zoo. It was incredible.

Enjoy the pictures!

Elephant showers!

Elephant balance beam

A nice hat trick. Haha.

Saying goodbye!

Cute little elephant sculptures on the boardwalk

Yup, that's a white peacock, and a six pack. :)


Who's that handsome monkey?

Capuchin monkey.

Don't feed the animals!

It was lunch time for these guys

One of the many new arrivals to the Zoo that we saw

Hanging out with the baboons

Another wee one

Beautiful tigers

A couple of wild and crazy guys

Leopard Cat

Sun Bears

All the bears!


Cotton topped Tamarin with baby
This zoo was incredible. They are building a new River Safari section for the Giant Pandas, and it's due to open in December. It looks like it will be amazing!

Friday, 28 September 2012

Fossicking on Mt Tambourine and Seaworld

Thunderbird Park
A few weekends ago we spent a weekend on the Gold Coast for a friend's birthday. (Happy Birthday Lanair!) We started by fossicking for thundereggs on Mount Tambourine.

Duck for cover!
Translation - we went looking for special rocks.

Posing for the camera
A thunderegg (or thunder egg) is a nodule-like geological structure, similar to a geode, that is formed within a rhyolitic lava flow (according to Wikipedia). They usually have pockets of different coloured crystals when cut open. We went to a thunder egg mine in Thunderbird Park, and were each given a bucket and a pickaxe. It was fun, but quite hot. And my short attention span doesn't really lend itself to spending long periods of time doing the same thing... Alan, on the other hand was a fossicking superstar!

Lanair is ready to fossick!
We had fun, and Alan filled all of our buckets with his hard work. We got to cut a few of our thunder eggs open, and they look pretty cool. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon, but if anyone is thinking of going, I'd recommend taking lots of water and sunscreen, and maybe something to sit on. You have to work at it in order to get the thundereggs out of the ground.

While up on Mount Tambourine, we also went to a Glow worm cave, conveniently located on a winery. 

Duck... Duck...
I don't have pictures of the glow worms. Apparently, they like the dark and don't like bright lights or camera flashes. Divas. That being said, it was really cool to see the glow worms, and while I don't have pictures to share, I do have this...

"I wish I was a glow worm
A glow worm's never glum.
How could you be unhappy,
when the sun shines through your bum?"  

Way better than pictures, right? 

We spent the night out at Surfer's Paradise and then went to Seaworld the next day. We purchased year passes when we went to MovieWorld earlier this year, and they get us into Seaworld as well. Bonus!



Polar Bear!

Case in point: Don't wake the sleeping bear. He's grumpy.

Did you hear about the aquarium owner? His shark was worse than his pike. 

Everyone in Australia plays rugby

This Dolphin is a Wallabies fan. Clearly he hasn't been watching the Bledisloe Cup action...

Upon eating a clownfish, one shark was heard to remark to a fellow shark, "This tastes funny."

Countdown Corner

  • Meghan is here in 11 days!
  • Jasper is coming eventually!
  • Alex and Linda are coming in March (I haven't counted the days yet, too early to start that...)